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Sagoon – Connect. Share. Earn





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Sagoon – Connect. Share. Earn(圖1)-速報App

Sagoon is a FREE social commerce app that allows you to Connect. Share. Earn.

It's the first time in history a multi-application platform has been developed & launched from India that aims to create a new social world from South Asia for the world.

Sagoon App is now available to download on Android smartphones. Get it now and experience the future of social media with this social sharing app.

Sagoon introduces a comprehensive suite of products (apps) – MyDay, SecretStory & MoodTalk. Each product has unique features and a different customer presentation strategy; the purpose of each application is to strengthen true connections and be productive through social networking.

Here’s how?

Sagoon – Connect. Share. Earn(圖2)-速報App

Sagoon’s MyDay:

MyDay is your smart organizer that visualizes how your day looks like with your loved ones.

Why you use?

Using this tool would mirror your daily activities with your loved ones that gives you a peace of mind and saves time and money.

Sagoon’s SecretStory:

Sagoon – Connect. Share. Earn(圖3)-速報App

The story sharing is an information, experience, confession or incidence which you’ve never disclosed publicly in words. But, if disclosed, it can make people learn something significant. This feature on our social sharing app has been designed on the idea of building a transparent society and improving the quality of a personal life. Sharing a story might become a bonding agent and a gift to others.

You are allowed to use 220 characters and up to three images to post a story. As a user, you can post your story (photos and video) under the “Open” category, allowing all of your contacts to view, like, dislike or comment on it. While posting you can choose to hide your identity. You can also send one-on-one story messages which will vanish after they are read.

The most interesting and unique aspect of sharing a story is “tracking,” which means you can see the number and the names of locations your story has traveled to.

Why you use?

Every moment there is always something going on around you. And sometimes no one knows it better than you. What if you could share it with others and bring change? It can be your own story!

Sagoon – Connect. Share. Earn(圖4)-速報App

Sagoon’s MoodTalk

MoodTalk is a simple chatting tool which lets your mood do the talking. You simply switch your mood happy, sad, sick, etc to express what you feel. As in real life where we do not record all things we say, in MoodTalk your chats also vanish automatically after 24 hours.

Why you use?

There can be days when you’re feeling happy, awesome, sad or plain sick. You don’t want to open an email/phone call or any other chat app to share your emotional state with family or friends. What happens? You stay alone and feel lonely. Here, with MoodTalk, let’s say you are sick, you can set your Mood to ‘Sick’, which will notify or send SMS to your loved ones who might start connecting with you and you can then express your feelings that re-establish your relation and remove your loneliness.

Secondly, unlike other chat apps or social networking sites, you save your time here. Texting or chatting becomes annoying & time killing without knowing what mood your friend may be going through on the other side of chat.

Sagoon – Connect. Share. Earn(圖5)-速報App

Some other highlights:


Sagoon introduces “Me page” a mix of personal and professional information, helping you network with others based on your mutual interests and needs. You can customize your profile with a photo, description and location that truly identify who you are.

Unique ID:

We believe, offering unique ID protects many unwanted activities and respects all community members in our platform. So there is no Username or Pin required but we integrate your phone number and email id to sync into one that will help us further to share our revenue when we introduce our Social Smart Card in next few months.

Sagoon – Connect. Share. Earn(圖6)-速報App

And Much More:

You can share your meetings, to-do list, and reminders, organize your contacts into categories of family, friend and co-worker, share your Me page for job findings, and many more all on this social media app!

Sagoon – Connect. Share. Earn(圖7)-速報App